JCRC welcomes Sen. Mary Kunesh’s letter regarding Hamas rapes on Oct. 7

Sept. 18, 2024

The Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas (JCRC) welcomes today’s letter from Minnesota State Senator Mary Kunesh. This letter follows a productive conversation between the Senator and the JCRC after we learned of a recent radio interview during which Senator Kunesh denied the sexual violence committed by Hamas on October 7, 2023.

In her letter to the JCRC, Senator Kunesh states in part:

Recently, I was a guest on Native Roots Radio. Part of our discussion focused on both the horrific terrorist attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023, as well as the devastating humanitarian crisis in Gaza and significant loss of life that has occurred there as part of Israel’s response to the attack.  I recognize that a statement I made during that interview minimized the way that sexual violence was used as a weapon by Hamas against innocent Israelis last October.

 I have since learned from reliable and expert sources the awful reality about what happened on that day, and that this brutality has in fact been well documented. In no way should I have dismissed it, and I regret doing so. As a wise person recently said, we can’t exchange or negate one group’s pain for another.  We are all hurting, far and near. 

While the initial comments made by Senator Kunesh were profoundly wrong, Jewish tradition and values compel us to accept and forgive anyone who offers sincere words of regret. Such acts of teshuvah are especially timely in these days leading up to our High Holidays in which we strive to not just repair our relationship with G-D, but with each other.

In our conversation with Senator Kunesh and through her letter, we believe that the Senator is both regretful and now accepts as fact the well-documented acts of sexual violence committed by Hamas.

Finally, the JCRC is deeply appreciative to Senate Majority Leader Erin Murphy for her sensitive and wise leadership in reaching today’s outcome. At a time when our state is so painfully divided and there is a seemingly overwhelming amount of misinformation, we always welcome the opportunity to respectfully dive into the most difficult of conversations with the goals of bridging differences and centering truth.


As the consensus public affairs voice of the Jewish community, JCRC builds relationships to fight antisemitism and bigotry; educates about Judaism, Israel, antisemitism, and the Holocaust; advocates for Jewish values and priorities; and safeguards our community.