JCRC 2024 Annual Event

My first time in the driver's seat

photo: Darrell Owens Photography

By Nina Afremov
Development and Annual Event Coordinator
(pictured front and center)

June 6, 2024 – Sunday, June 2 marked a historic day for JCRC. Our Annual Event brings people together to celebrate our vital organization. This is our first Annual Event since October 7, a solemn day that weighs heavily on our hearts as the war continues on and hostages remain in Gaza. 
Contributing to JCRC’s mission at a time when the community faces vocal extremism and bigotry has made my first year here markedly more challenging, but all the more meaningful. This year my time has been spent organizing campaigns, planning community events, processing gifts, and, of course, preparing the Annual Event. Due to the need of the community, the importance of Israel advocacy, and the rising popularity of this year’s speaker, veteran Israeli journalist Haviv Rettig Gur, this event was the biggest it has been since pre-Covid times; and it was my first time in the driver’s seat. 
After months of meticulous planning, recording, problem-solving, and communicating with vendors, sponsors, guests, and my colleagues, to bring the event to life was a huge professional accomplishment. It provided a public platform in front of hundreds of community members and stakeholders to learn about my colleagues’ work in advocacy, Holocaust education, Judaism education, and security that keeps our Jewish community thriving. Guests also heeded the reminder that it is vital to know and tell our Jewish story while in diaspora, per Haviv Rettig Gur’s impassioned and enthralling speech. 
For me, the event was a uniquely meaningful opportunity for relationship building. I watched ticket sales roll in prior to the June 2, and I would smile each time I recognized a name on my computer screen. I spent much of my time following up with sponsors and ticket buyers over the phone and email, and to be able to shake their hands and put a face to the name felt like the cherry on top of all my work. To work at a nonprofit, especially one as community oriented as the JCRC, is to be in the business of relationships, and I am excited to continue that work in a world that means so much to me. 
A big thank you to my colleagues, event volunteers, and to all those who believe in our mission. 
This work would not be possible without your generosity – and there is still time to donate to support JCRC via our 2024 Annual Event campaign.

This blog post was written for the staff column of Gesher (‘Bridge’ in Hebrew) – JCRC’s new monthly email newsletter.


As the consensus public affairs voice of the Jewish community, JCRC builds relationships to fight antisemitism and bigotry; educates about Judaism, Israel, antisemitism, and the Holocaust; advocates for Jewish values and priorities; and safeguards our community.