JCRC has been nothing short of lifesaving for our family

Impact story - 2024 JCRC Annual Event

photo: Darrell Owens Photography

By Lauren Murphy

June 2, 2024 – Thank you JCRC for inviting us to share our story. I am here with my daughter to talk about our recent experiences with severe antisemitism and to express our deep gratitude to JCRC for their unwavering support and advocacy. 

Antisemitism is a painful reality my family has faced for generations. I am a grandchild of 4 Holocaust survivors who shared their harrowing stories with me. 

My family immigrated from Ukraine to the United States when I was 10 years old to escape persistent antisemitism. We sought a haven to be openly Jewish without fear or limitations. It is devastating that in the country we believed would be our refuge, we are again facing the same kind of hatred. Never again is now. 

Since October 7th, there has been a rise in antisemitism, and tragically, we have experienced it firsthand in our own community. My daughter has faced severe harassment at her public school, which began with chants of “Free Palestine” and other hateful remarks shouted at her. 

The abuse escalated to her being cornered in a classroom and intimidated by four male peers who told her, “Hitler should have finished the job,” followed by explicit death threats in a group chat where they described her appearance and shared her class schedule, simply because she is Jewish. 

As a mother, seeing my child live in fear for her safety has been heart-wrenching. 

In our darkest moments, we turned to JCRC for help. From the start, they took immediate action, providing guidance and support. Their presence was not just emotional but physical; they stood by us at every crucial moment. Ethan and Sami helped me communicate with the school, attended meetings with school leaders, and guided us to ensure our voices were heard. Their unwavering support has been a true lifeline. 

The threats were so severe that we feared for our daughter’s safety and even the safety of our home. There were even some days when she missed school because she was too upset to share the hallways with the same bullies who threatened to kill her. 

With the support of JCRC, we involved law enforcement, and charges were pressed. This has been a terrifying time for my daughter, our family, and our community. JCRC has been with us every step of the way.

Ethan was even present with us at the police station, standing by our daughter and I as she, at just 12 years old, had to give a recorded police statement. It was an experience no child should endure, and without Ethan and JCRC, we would have been lost. 

It is tragic that these horrific circumstances brought us to JCRC, but without this support, I don’t know where we would be today. 

JCRC has been nothing short of lifesaving for our family. JCRC has given our family the strength to stand up against antisemitism and fight for a safer future. We must continue to support one another and ensure that hate has no place in our community. 

This impact story was delivered at the 2024 JCRC Annual Event – there is still time to donate


As the consensus public affairs voice of the Jewish community, JCRC builds relationships to fight antisemitism and bigotry; educates about Judaism, Israel, antisemitism, and the Holocaust; advocates for Jewish values and priorities; and safeguards our community.