Transfer of Memory
Transfer of Memory is a touring exhibition of portraits and accompanying stories of Minnesota Holocaust Survivors.
The exhibition is a signature project providing a platform for communities to dive deeper into Holocaust education and the roots of discrimination and bigotry. Each month that the exhibit is on display, we work with your host site to plan lectures, survivor talks, book reads, film showings, and/or trainings about antisemitism.
No venue for showing is too large or too small. From the Basilica of St. Mary’s in downtown Minneapolis, to the Anderson Center at Tower View in Red Wing, or the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, North Dakota, the exhibition impacts tens of thousands of people each year.
Rental requirements are for two months and JCRC often covers shipping costs, depending on grant support.
Contact Laura Zelle for more info.
Click here to view our brochure and read about our impact.