Request a Speaker
JCRC offers speakers on Judaism, Israel, antisemitism and the Holocaust
Invite us to your classroom, business, house of worship, or community organization for engaging virtual, in-person, or hybrid presentations on one (or more!) of these topics.
Jewish Identity and Antisemitism
How do Jews understand their individual and collective identities? What is antisemitism, and how is it different from other forms of prejudice? What are the harms that Jewish people are experiencing today? Explore these and other questions in a session that provides space for questions, discussion, and suggestions for how to be an ally. -
How Did We Get Here? An introduction to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
How did Israel come into existence? What makes the Israeli-Palestinian conflict so hard to solve? Bring your questions as we trace the history of this conflict to understand today’s reality. -
Judaism on One Foot: An Introduction to Jewish Peoplehood, Beliefs and Practice
Who are Jews? What makes Judaism unique among the world’s religions? What does it mean to be both a religion and a people? Interfaith Option: Judaism & Islam, presented by JCRC with partners from the Islamic Resource Group.
Living Testimony from the Holocaust
The Holocaust was the systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime, its allies, and collaborators. Our Holocaust education presentations are offered by survivors, second generation or third generation community members who represent their family’s story, sharing their experience during the war and the larger historical context.
Amazing Israel: People, Places, and Culture
Get acquainted with a country brimming with biblical history and cutting-edge innovation, the Jewish homeland that is also a dynamic, multi-ethnic democracy. This tiny land has a huge story to tell.