What We Do

JCRC advocates for Jewish values and priorities

Our public policy work is grounded by the three-fold statement of Rabbi Hillel: “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?” As the consensus public affairs voice for our Jewish community, we advocate for communal priorities and values. Our work benefits the Jewish and broader communities. We are guided by our vision of a society that is democratic, pluralistic, and just, promoting the common good.

JCRC Annual Public Policy Agenda (2023)

The JCRC annual public policy agenda includes both the specific priorities of the Government Affairs Program as well as more broad-based advocacy reflecting Jewish values. Current efforts include supporting Holocaust and Genocide education in Minnesota’s public schools, increasing funding for the JFCS’ ParentChild+ program, renewing funding for the Supplemental Nonprofit Security Grant Program, ensuring an inclusive approach to ethnic studies, securing rate increases for long-term care employees, supporting hate crimes legislation, providing drivers licenses for undocumented workers, and expanding gun violence prevention measures in Minnesota statutes.

Government Affairs Program

The Twin Cities Jewish Community Government Affairs Program (JGAP) represents the interests of the Twin Cities Jewish community’s social service agencies and day schools before federal, state, and local governments.

Initiated in 2001 as a collaborative program of the Jewish Community Relations Council, the Minneapolis Jewish Federation, and the Saint Paul Jewish Federation, JGAP is responsible for maintaining and advancing tens of millions in annual government funding to our community’s social service agencies and schools.

Joint Religious Legislative Coalition - Interfaith Advocacy

The JCRC serves as the representative of the Jewish community in the Joint Religious Legislative Coalition (JRLC). The JRLC is the largest and most inclusive interfaith public interest group in Minnesota — people of diverse faiths bringing vision and wisdom to the public realm for the well-being of Minnesotans. JRLC, founded in 1971, is authorized and governed by four Sponsoring Members: the Minnesota Catholic Conference, the Minnesota Council of Churches, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas, and the Islamic Center of Minnesota.

The JRLC accomplishes its mission, “multifaith partners advocating for public policies that promote the common good in Minnesota,” through developing public policy statements and pursuing an annual legislative agenda developed and approved by the four faith sponsors. Over the last few years, JRLC has focused on anti-poverty issues that support affordable housing, the wellbeing of children and families, and maternal health.

JCRC Justice Squared Commission (J2)

The Justice Squared Commission (J2) works in partnership with the JCRC Public Policy Steering Committee and JCRC staff to 1) gather community input, recommend policy proposals to the Policy Steering Committee for the annual JCRC and JRLC legislative agendas; 2) encourage advocacy on these issues in the Jewish community, and 3) propose and execute educational programming related to JCRC’s legislative, social justice, and public policy mission. 

For more information on JCRC’s work advocating for Jewish values and priorities, please contact us at 612.338.7816 or info@minndakjcrc.org



Online Zoom Class

Holocaust Educators Cohort

Holocaust Educators Cohort

Join our Holocaust Educator Cohort (Grades 6-12) to access our primary source packets that help students understand how and why the Holocaust happened.

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rose on barbed wire

The Power of Place: 2025 JCRC European Summer Institute for Holocaust Educators

The Power of Place: 2025 JCRC European Summer Institute for Holocaust Educators

Summer, 2025 Power of Place
For Holocaust educators: experiential learning tour through Europe
Now accepting applications of interest for Summer 2025

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Transfer of Memory

Transfer of Memory

Transfer of Memory is an exhibition of portraits and accompanying stories of Minnesota Holocaust Survivors

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One Day Trip to Washington D.C. (USHMM)

One Day Trip to Washington D.C. (USHMM)

Trip date TBD, 2025

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Violins of Hope

Violins of Hope

MAY 1 – JUNE 20, 2026

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Holocaust Education Speakers Bureau

Holocaust Education Speakers Bureau

Connect a Holocaust survivor or descendant to your group.

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Learning Through Legacy

Learning Through Legacy

Generations After MN

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Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day

Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day

Community wide Holocaust memorial commemoration.

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The Leo Weiss Courage to Teach Award

The Leo Weiss Courage to Teach Award

The JCRC honors a teacher or school whose passion, dedication, and excellence elevates the teachings of the lessons of the Holocaust in Minnesota and beyond.

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Witnesses to the Holocaust

Witnesses to the Holocaust

Stories of Minnesota Holocaust Survivors and Liberators.

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Minnesota Holocaust Films

Minnesota Holocaust Films

Add these short original documentaries to your curriculum.

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National History Day in Minnesota

National History Day in Minnesota

2025 Theme: Rights and Responsibilities in History Each year, the National History Day office chooses a theme to help students direct their research. Students must make a connection between the […]

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Light from the Yellow Star

Light from the Yellow Star

Dr. Robert Fisch’s book, Light from The Yellow Star: Lessons of Love From the Holocaust, teaches middle and high school students about the Holocaust.

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